Wednesday, September 12, 2007


i told you but you never listen to me,
i told you but you chosen not to believe me,
i told you but you said i'm crazy,
i told you but you said you are still enjoying,

i said it is painful,it is a monster
i told you that is killing,killing even young kids
i told you that you will suffer you laughed at me,
i said it makes people to be afraid of you,
i told you it makes family desert you,

you told me you are enjoying,
i told you to stop but you refuse,
look at you now, you are weak,you are bones
you said i was jelouse but i was not,

now you are skinny and you are dying,
you did not listen when i said stop,
you were sleeping with everyone like a dog,
now you can not sit,eat and even walk

i told you that is there,
i told you that is bad and sad,
i told you, is too late to believe me,
i told you that AIDS is there.