Monday, October 22, 2007

You are Beautiful...To Me

To me you are beautiful;
To me you are wonderful;
Your beauty shines through your smile;
Your eyes makes me run for a couple of miles;
You are beautiful to me... yes you are to me;

Many have looked;
But me i'm hooked;
Woman you are beautiful;
I praise the thinkin pot of my gorgeous woman;
Yes you are beautiful... to me

Some says you are not;
But for you beauty was never in the looks;
For i see beauty in your spirit;
I see her beauty in her manners;
You are beauty yourself;
You resemble an african queen;

They might have all the looks is fine;
But my beautiful woman has manners;
My woman is an intellect;
Beautiful are those who can think for themselves;
Beautiful are those who can respect others as people;
beautiful are them that can love without doubt;
You are me yes you are.

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