Friday, October 19, 2007

one person of other people

i can not agree to disaagree;
i was created for a purpose;
i never existed but i live;
i was made to believe that i'm inferior;

i looked at myself on a mirror;
my mind said yes you are inferior;
my spirit resisted but i fought myself;
who am i not to know myself;

i was taken out of my own body;
my possesions were never mine;
my understanding and believes were reduced;
who are these strangers in my face;

who are these people i dont know?
why do you course pain to my mother;
why do harvest my fruits of life;
my generation is oppressed;

who is the man with suit and tie in my land;
why do you roar at me in anger;
what did the african daughter do to be slaughtered like a bull;
i want to forgive please teach me how.
please be who you are i will remain myself.

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