Thursday, March 6, 2008

when it rained

I loved the smell of it;
Maybe because I was in your arms;
I lost myself in the emotional wilderness;
Your touch moved my heart to my right, left and centre;
My whole life changed in a moment;

I refused to be convinced but I failed myself;
I thought I’m tough and strong but you weakened me;
How nice is to feel what I felt;
How blessed is to walk without feet;
How marvelous is to fly without wings;

All this happened when it rained;
In your arms I never wanted to leave;
For you are never sour;
For me you’re a perfect match;
For I saw you in the foundation of my life;
With you I want to grow old;

Your humbleness and long legs turn me wild;
Whenever I see you I want hold and kiss you;
I struggle to sleep without you soft lips
I always want you time and time again;
It rained more and more;
I held you bone to bone;
Pelvic to pelvic;

You told me nothing more satisfying than when it rained;
I smiled for I was happy and so you did the same;
I was sure that about what you are doing to me;
I loved it but more I loved you;
Thanks for the good food;
It rained and it rained on me.

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