Monday, December 3, 2007

scarted thoughts about love

what is it that we are doing?
being your flattered face unconditionally;
my striated understanding is covered by a cloud of confusion:
my well thoghts are out of reasoning;

i thought i knew that i would be loved;
how difficult for a fish outside the stream;
how my confident was wiped away by a hurt spirit;
how my courage was null and void;

if remembered an old man saying;
many are things we will taste but not to have;
i argue day and night to congruently convince myself;
i love without a reason;

i asked myself a question that i could not answer;
i kneel down to raise high;
in timidity and fear i stood with confident ;
i was axed to be perplex of love;

come what may i'm going on;
my past you remain in the past;
i am the govener of myself;
i am the pioneer of my future;
i will continue to love without fear like then.

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